Don’t Feel Bad


Sometimes I get clients who feel really bad about having to hire a caregiver or place their parents in a home. I get it, because I also have an aging parent and I would like to take care of her myself. However, it’s not always possible and I understand that. Your parent might need someone who is around fulltime. You can’t be there all the time because you have a job, or you simply don’t have the necessary skills to manage an aging parent.

At Caring & Pairing we specialise in looking after your elderly so you don’t have to feel bad. You are doing what you can to look after them, let us do what we can. My mother is mostly self-sufficient. She is able to look after others at her advance age of eighty. However, that isn’t always going to be the case. Aging is a a natural process of life and just like we needed care when we were children, we will again need care when we become old. There’s no shame and there’s no one to blame. The fact that you’re reading this means that you care, and we are here because we care.


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